The 99% of Udmurt Philological Faculty's students are children from villages. Often young people lose their ethnic peculiarity in cities, especially as to their clothes. So-called mass culture robs of mans individuality.
     The aim of our studio is to contradict urbanistic tendency to depersonalization, to keep up unique personal features and in our case by means of clothes. There is a good German proverb Kleiden machen Leute (clothes make people). Clothes have always has not only functional load, but it is also the cultural element, the attribute of social status, the sphere of activity for creative person, the expression of individual style and taste. Thats why it is very important to teach students to dress beautifully and at the same time to preserve national peculiarity in their clothes. The creation of the studio at this faculty is connected with peculiarity of Udmurt ethnic group. Small ethnic groups comparing with big nations better keep up arhaic features in their culture. The students of our faculty study the national culture in its verbal form, (Udmurt language and literature is their profession), but at the same time they are bearers of material culture. Practical centuries all these things should be kept up. The people who wore flax and wool for centuries cant and shouldnt into polyester at once.
     Neofolk is one of the trends in a modern fashion united 3 concepts from fashion vocabulary: vintage, country-look and ethno. Vintage is old clothes typical for their time. Country-look is affected country things that have the charm of naivety and primitivism. Style ethno is the knowledge of ancestors hidden in ornament, materials of clothes. Devotion to the natural fabric unites all these 3 trends. The main materials for the studio are flex and wool; also we use cotton, silk and viscose. No animal is troubled by such method of making clothes. The main techniques are knitting, weaving and beads embroidery. All things are hand-made.
     The students of our studio are not craftsmen who revive folk crafts. Old technologies are not our aim. Its rather game in ethno. The studio has no pretension to professionalism. Its only hobby, attempt to dress stylishly without much financial expenditures, to realize creative potential of every person. For young people clothes are very important part of their life. Impossibility to wear what they want because of shortage of money can hurt their mentality. The goal of the studio is to help young people to dress stylishly and quite cheap using handy materials. Ability to knit, weave, sew can be helpful in their future life and surely cant be useless.
     One of the aims of the Udmurt Philological Faculty is not only to educate philologist but also to bring up Udmurt national elite in a good sense. As has been said before students but not specialist create such clothes. The result of it is the very new ideas and unusual ways of making clothes by amateurs.


GOU VPO The Udmurt state university
Udmurtiya Izhevsk Universitetskaya street, 1 Faculty of the Udmurt philology
tel. 75-59-20

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